Friday, February 18, 2011

Baking Tadpoles Alive.

It just takes under 15 minutes for men's scrotal temparture to rise above what is considered safe when balancing a laptop computer on their groins, but men don't feel a thing according to research by Urologist Dr. Yefin Sheynkin at the State University of New York. So guys think about your poor tiny tadpoles swimming around in your knackers, you could be baking them alive and they could lose the spring in their tales to swim up river against the tide.

It was also discovered that men balancing their laptop computers on their groins, are heating up their knackers to unsafe levels causing potential reproductive problems. Next time guys when you balance your laptop computer on your groin you could also become sterile and start firing blanks because you're baking your poor tiny tadpoles alive.
(c) 2011 Windsmoke.


Commander Zaius said...


The poor little dudes, I must admit I'm a bit of a clutz so I never put my laptop on my legs next my groin.

One last thought, I know some fool will try and use this information as a birth control method.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a brilliant chat up line Windsmoke - "Don't worry dear your safe with me, I balance laptops on my groin all day!"

Symdaddy said...

Mine don't bother trying to swim these days ... they know it's going to be a trap!

Dave King said...

I'm glad I know this, even though there's now no call for live ammunition.

Mags118 said...

Hi Windsmoke,
That is hilarious, so for women, it's best to look for a guy that uses his laptop while it is sitting on his groin, this could catch on. LOL.

Windsmoke. said...

G' Day BEACH BUM, We've had laptop batteries down here in Oz that get so hot they burn your legs and goodness knows what else :-).

G' Day JANE HEALY, Laptops???, How many do you balance on your groin at once? :-).

G' Day SYMDADDY, Clever little tadpoles :-).

G' Day DAVE KING, Your never to old to use your live ammunation :-).

G' Day MAGS118, Especially if you don't want the pitter patter of tiny feet 9 months later :-).

LifeRamblings said...

LOL. A good reminder for men who wants to have kids but it's also an interesting prospect for all those fellas who dont want to have kids.

Windsmoke. said...

G' Day LIFE RAMBLINGS, The right temparture is critical as the poor tadpoles have enough to endure in their quest :-).

DB Stewart said...

Sadly, my stomach gets in the way of setting anything on my lap but on a positive note, therefore my tadpoles remain okay. As you can tell, I have mixed feelings about this.

nick said...

No probs, my radiologist did me in years ago.

Windsmoke. said...

G' Day DBS, Welcome to my humble blog and i hope to hear from you in the future. I'm sad you have mixed feelings :-).

G' Day NICK, How sad for you and welcome to my humble blog and i hope to hear from you in the future :-).

Tempo said...

Thank god...Ive got enough kids already. Im going straight out to buy a laptop..or two

Windsmoke. said...

G' Day TEMPO, It would be just your luck that one little tadpole would survive and do it's business :-).