Thursday, September 16, 2010

Tiny Tale: Scow.

Newly married aussie backpacking couple on their honeymoon, hitched a ride to the next small town on an old wooden dilapidated scow that had seen better days. Loaded with domestic garbage in large black plastic bags stacked 10 high they stank to high heaven because their rotting contents were slowly being baked by the red hot sun. They were prepared to put up with this foul smell so they could sail down the canal on this bright sunny, cloudless day. Along the way dodging an assortment of leisure craft sailing down the canal, some at break neck speed causing mayhem.

Stretched out on the deck the couple observed eveyday life going on and around them along the grassy, tree lined banks of the canal as they sailed by. People were going about their business without a care in the world, some fishing off the banks, young kids running around like maniacs, riding push bikes full pelt along the footpaths dodging people jogging, strolling along happily pushing prams with their families, some sitting on colourful blankets spread out on the ground enjoying a picnic while the day lasted.

On the horizon dark storm clouds were gathering threatening to rain so most people packed up and headed off home for the night. Further down the canal a weather beaten rickety old wooden bridge spanning the canal which had seen better days to is about to get a big fright, because hurtling down the steep hill is an out of control white 6 tonne lorry used for delivering fruit and vegetables.

Reaching the old rickety wooden bridge the lorry crashed through the wooden railing splintering it to pieces and flipping upside down landing on the front of the scow just as it emerged from underneath the bridge sinking both to the bottom of the canals dark murky waters. Everbody on board the scow survived with only a dunking in the cold waters of the canal and scrambled up it's banks to safety. (c) 2010 Windsmoke.


Cloudia said...


Warm Aloha from Honolulu

Comfort Spiral

Windsmoke. said...

G' Day Cloudia, Thank you for your comment. I know what you mean.

Dave King said...

Wow, I really didn't think it was going to end like that. Convincingly told, I was carried along at an even faster pace than the lorry.